Why Inspecting Your Attic & Roof This Fall Can Save You Money This Winter

Roof & Attic Inspection

Winter brings colder weather and increased costs associated with higher heating bills and damage from snow and ice. However, by inspecting your attic and roof this fall and making some simple changes, you can improve the value of your home and save money on future bills and repairs.

Proper Attic Ventilation

By providing an attic with proper ventilation, you allow air to flow from inside the attic to outside and vice versa. In the winter, this allows cooler outdoor air to enter into the attic. While allowing cold air inside may seem counterintuitive when it comes to helping you save money, colder air prevents snow on the roof from melting and then refreezing in the gutters. By preventing this from occurring, you can prevent clogged gutters and a water-damaged home.

A roof’s impact on retaining heat

A roof’s materials and construction properties impact how well a house retains heat. Slate and metal roofs are good at retaining heat, and their smooth surfaces allow snow to easily slide off. While roofing does play a role in heat retention, insulation has a larger impact.

Install better insulation

Proper attic insulation is key to retaining heat in cold winter months. Since heat rises, a properly insulated attic will help heat stay in your home, rather than escape to the outside world. When inspecting your insulation, recognize that both the type, thickness, and quality of installation play a role in how well heat stays in your house.

If the insulation in your home is old or in poor quality, it will pay off to install better insulation. When you’re looking at insulation, make sure to pay attention to the R-value, which is a measure of how well a material resists heat flow. In other words, it tells you how good a material is at keeping heat from escaping.

Along with installing insulation with a high R-value, check your attic for any cold spots. This can be done by visually looking for gaps in insulation, but a thermal camera will provide a more thorough investigation.

Whether you choose spray foam, loose-fill, blanket, or another type of insulation, remember that there are variances within each group of insulation. When you’re choosing a specific product, look for a high energy-efficiency rating.

Bay State Exterior: Offering Massachusetts Home & Business Owners Expert Roof & Attic Inspections

Inspecting your attic and roof in the fall will not only keep you warmer in the winter, but it will also help you save money. Remember that ventilation, roofing, and insulation all play a role in keeping your house safe and warm. Contact us today if you need your roof or attic inspected prior to the Fall & Winter months. If you need emergency roof repair services, give us a call at 857-389-5284

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Bay State Exteriors

Bay State Exteriors